The history of greeting cards!
The history of greeting cards: origin, development and their importance as a means of communication.
The history of greeting cards goes back a long way and is closely connected with the development of human communication. Since time immemorial, people have been looking for ways to express their feelings, congratulations and messages to their loved ones. Over time, the greeting card has become a popular and significant form of expressing emotions.
The origin of greeting cards can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where people used papyrus scrolls to convey messages. In ancient China, greeting cards with good wishes were sent to family and friends during the Chunwei ceremony, a type of New Year celebration. In the Middle Ages, people in Europe began sending handwritten greeting cards, usually at Christmas or New Year.
However, the actual development of the modern greeting card began in the 19th century. With the introduction of industrial printing technology, greeting cards could be produced in larger numbers and became more affordable for the general population. At that time, greeting cards were often decorated with religious motifs or scenic images.
Over time, greeting cards evolved into a diverse form of expression. With the advent of postal services and the growing mobility of people, greeting cards became a popular means of sending greetings and wishes over long distances. The use of pictures, illustrations, and later photographs on greeting cards gave them an additional visual appeal.
Over the past few decades, greeting card design has evolved to meet the changing needs and preferences of people. From funny and humorous cards to elegant and artistic designs, nowadays there are a variety of styles and motifs to convey any kind of emotion or message.
Greeting cards have become a significant communication tool that helps people express their feelings, send congratulations and show their attachment. They have become an integral part of celebrations such as birthdays, weddings, Christmas and other special occasions.
Nowadays, greeting cards have also adapted to digital times. With the advent of e-cards and online platforms, people can send their greetings and wishes electronically to save time and resources.
The history of greeting cards is marked by people's longing for expression, connection and love. They have become an indispensable form of communication and emotional exchange. Greeting cards allow us to express our affection, gratitude and appreciation in a personal and touching way.
With the advent of modern technologies and social media, one may think that greeting cards may lose their importance. But the opposite is true. In an increasingly digitalized world, people are looking for authentic and tangible connections. Greeting cards offer just that: a physical reminder of warmth and humanity.
In addition, greeting cards offer a wonderful opportunity to express creativity. From the design of the card itself to the choice of the right words, we can express our personality and individual style. A lovingly designed greeting card shows the recipient that we care about them and that we have taken the time to send them a special message.
Greeting cards have become a means of expression that is understood across cultural and linguistic boundaries. They bring people together and create connections between friends, family members, lovers and colleagues.
In today's fast-paced world, where digital communication is often superficial and fleeting, greeting cards are a sign of mindfulness and depth. They remind us that it is important to appreciate and celebrate those around us. Whether in good or difficult times, a greeting card can comfort, give hope and spread joy.
The story of greeting cards is a story of humanity, emotions and connection. It tells of the universal longing of people to share their love and wishes with others. In a world of hustle and bustle and digital distractions, greeting cards are a valuable reminder that real relationships are nurtured by small gestures and personal messages.
So, let's keep writing, designing and sending greeting cards to keep the magic of communication and expression of feeling alive. Let's continue the story of greeting cards and fill the world with love, joy and connection.
About Ocardoo
"Ocardoo" is Europe's first and only platform for digital group greeting cards. Digital group greeting cards are a modern take on greeting cards, where multiple people collaborate to create a personalized greeting card for someone. Instead of sending physical cards, Ocardoo allows users to create, design and send digital cards online.
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